Tuesday, February 25, 2020

International law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

International law - Essay Example nst peace if it â€Å"takes place or occurs in the context of or is associated or linked with† an armed conflict, if the perpetrators are â€Å"aware of true or factual circumstances that led to the existence of† the said armed conflict.1 The armed conflict might involve either non-international or international characters. The non-international conflicts occur when â€Å"protracted armed violence among organized armed groups and governmental authorities within a given State or Nation.†2 Internal conflicts or disturbances, for example riots and the sporadic The Article 7(1) as clarified in the Rome Statute indicates that any prohibited acts are crimes against humanity â€Å"when carried or committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack directed towards or against any the civilian population, with full knowledge of the attacks.† Prohibited acts constitute to crimes against humanity if the attacks were â€Å"systematic or widespread;† there were â€Å"attacks† consisting of multiple commissions of prohibited acts; the attacks were â€Å"directed against civilian populations;† and the attacks were carried out â€Å"in the furtherance of State or pursuant to or organizational policies.†4 Boko Haram is Nigerian homegrown radical Islamist insurgency group, whose name in Hausa translates to â€Å"Western education is forbidden†. The terror group has abducted more than 500 girls and women from the northern regions of Nigerian as from 2009; the group has perpetrated countless human rights abuses against their hostages in captivity. The 2014, April 14th abduction of 276 girls from Chibok’s secondary school in, rural town in the Borno State, gave the much-needed spotlight on their increasing scourge (HRW, 2014). There are limited efforts in investigating and prosecuting Boko Haram personnel implicated in violations of the human rights law. However, since 2009, the Nigerian security forces have successfully arrested many people suspected to be involved in Boko Haram’s

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